Today, I wrote essays. First, I edited one of my University of Chicago essays. To summarize that prompt, I had to write about my new intended major given that all the majors had exactly one typo in it. Some examples they gave was "Commuter Science" and "Bromance Languages and Literatures." I wrote about Fenetics, based off of Genetics. Fenetics is a UK-based mobility company. I wrote about how I am excited to learn about how they engineer their products, the economics of their company, and a possible internship at that company. This is probably the weirdest essay I had to write. I like that prompt!
Next, I started one of my Carnegie Mellon essays. Well, it's not really an essay, more like a sentence. "List the books(if any) you've read this year for pleasure. Choose one and in a sentence describe its impact on you." This one was a little difficult writing because I have to describe the books influence on me in one sentence. I wrote about Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist. It is one of my favorite books.
Now, I have a problem. I can't access my college essays or my blog, even after restarting the computer. I will write the rest of my blog on my phone.
The rest of the time was slow typing. I began writing my extracurricular essay. About half of my schools require it. I have 150 words to write about it. One gave me a max limit of 250 words, though I think I'll just reuse the 150-word supplement.
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