First progress of the day: I was able to create an input where the client can choose which equipment that want to monitor based on Contract Order Number. I took a subset of the "Contract Order Number" column and all the the rows with it. In the dummy data set, there are two CONs :"ABCD" and "DCBA." I am trying to get my chart to graph the increments (Job Order Numbers) within that CON. I am getting an error : 'data' must be of a vector type, was 'NULL'
It works on the entire data set. I think I am getting a null element in the subset data set. Good news. I am no longer getting a null error. I realized that the data table was taking in the dictionary that my mentor included in the dummy data set. I removed that and put in in a separate excel sheet, leaving only the important data in, and it worked.
Yet the graph is still not recognizing the change in inputs. I did not get the null error when I graphed the entire data set, but when I took a subset, the null error came back. I don't think my program is recognizing the indices I used in taking the subset. I sent a copy of my source code to my mentor so that she can help me figure out the problem.
In the mean time, I decided to create a user-defined function to calculate the moving ranges of the data. The moving range is the absolute value of the average difference between consecutive points. I am creating the function outside the user interface and server function. I am getting an argument "data" is missing, with no default error in that function.
mydata <-read.csv("dummydata.csv")
variables <- 1:ncol(mydata)
names(variables) <- names(mydata)
equipment <- mydata[1:nrow(mydata), c("CON")]
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Control Charts"),
fileInput("file1", "Choose a file in CSV format", accept = c("text/csv", "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain",
), #fileInput
selectInput(inputId = "equip", label = "Contract Order Number:", choices = equipment), #selectInput
selectInput(inputId = "var", label = "Choose which variable you want to graph", choices = variables), #selectInput
#Added by A. Coleman 20180225
actionButton("goButton", "Go!"),
p("Update your variables")
), #sidebar panel
plotOutput(outputId = "controlchart"),
dataTableOutput(outputId = "datachart")
) #main panel
) #sidebar layout
) #user interface
#movingRange <- function(data){
#mRange <- vector()
#if (!is.null(data))
# for (num in data[C(2:nrow(data)),])
# difference <- data[num] - data[num - 1]
# mRange <- c(mRange, difference)
# }
#mRange <- sum(mRange, na.rm = FALSE)
# mRange <- mRange / length(mRange)
#mRange <- abs(mRange)
# else
# return(0)
# }
#} #movingRange() function
server <- function(input, output, session) {
loadedFile <- reactive({
file <- input$file1
}) #loadedFile()
graph <- eventReactive(input$goButton, {
file <-loadedFile()
d <-mydata[input$equip, input$var]
d <-read.csv(file$datapath)
d <- mydata[input$equip, input$var]
mr = 0 #movingRange()
mean = 0
UCL <- mean + 2.66*mr
LCL <- mean - 2.66*mr
increments <- d[c(input$equip), c("JON")]
spcChart <- qcc(increments, type = "xbar", title = "Xbar Chart", xlab = "Increments", ylab = "Value" ) #qcc
(warn.limits <- limits.xbar(spcChart$center, spcChart$, spcChart$sizes, 2))
plot(spcChart, restore.par = FALSE)
output$controlchart <- renderPlot({
}) #render plot
output$datachart <- DT::renderDataTable({
file <-loadedFile()
d <-mydata
d <-read.csv(file$datapath)
}) #render data table
} #server function
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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