Publishing the App

   Today, I published my web application. I had to delete it a couple times because it was not working properly. I created a account so that I can deploy my app online. At first, I kept getting errors, but then I created a sub-directory in my working directory to hold my app and dummy data set. It worked. You can access this app at this link:

   If it doesn't work as intended, I can remove the app and fix it. I had to remove the app and republish it. I realized I had a slight mistake in calculating the control limits. If the LCL is negative, it should be 0. I updated it on my R Markdown document, but not on my actual code. I deleted it again. For some reason, it can't connect. Now, my data table isn't showing up. The table is showing up now. I had to restart my R session.

   Finally, I was able to publish this app. It took a lot longer than I thought. It turns out, whenever I delete the app online, I have to clear the contents of the sub-directory folder, and reinsert the app.R file and the dummy data set (since that is the default data frame for this app.)

Sources Used:!topic/shinyapps-users/mYmaz5LXz-4
